Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Conbo-Calerized: The Desert

true that evil sand dunes can flip over the sky,
but can the northern bearded lizard-flowers fly?
will those bearded-bastard-children of satan die?
dead. those fucking-flower-faced fucks?

as the desert morning slips over the mounds so high,
the cactus-winged scorpion death fights are nigh.
the sun-burned tail of a warrior screams goodbye.
pierced. scorpions are the pussies of the dessert.

there is no doubt the winds of time never cry,
forcing their breath upon old river beds long dry.
raping the freshly-blinded earth in the socket of her eye.
fucked. i never liked coyotes anyway.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

scorpions are most definitely the pussies of the dessert.