Friday, August 6, 2010

What a Weird One

Today might have been a dream.

It began with good news; we (Drake Cooper) won a major awesome account. And we also kicked some ass in the process. In celebration we ate chicken burritos, well... at least i did. With a full belly of salsa and beans I returned to my desk. After working for awhile we were informed that the power was going to be out for a few hours. Party time. We quickly went into survival mode and knew we needed to drink the beer before it became slightly less cold. Heidy taught us (Cale, Justin, Malia and Cash) how to play Tip Cup. My team lost and I'm pretty sure it was because of a flaw in the table. The power was still dead. Our instincts whispered to us, "go to the Ha' Penny." We listened. While enjoying our beverages (funded by Heidy) we proceeded to argue about the identity of a fellow patron. Heidy insisted it was Pat Benatar. Justin refused to believe it. Malia denied it. I rejected the notion entirely. Turns out, after much debate and free glass of PBR, Heidy confirmed her suspicion. It was Pat Benatar. Then I got a phone call from Paul. He needed my car. I said, "ok, bro... meet me at the Ha' Penny." He showed up shirtless and ready to party (after losing his keys while floating the Boise River, he needed a hero and showed up at the office... without a shirt and only a tiny shred of dignity)

"There is a shirtless man entering the bar," Malia exclaimed. Pat Benatar was indifferent. I gave Paul my keys, finished my beer and we made our way back to the office as a 3 on 3 basketball tournament was just getting underway.

Was it real? Was it a dream? Fucking weird.

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