Friday, August 6, 2010

What a Weird One

Today might have been a dream.

It began with good news; we (Drake Cooper) won a major awesome account. And we also kicked some ass in the process. In celebration we ate chicken burritos, well... at least i did. With a full belly of salsa and beans I returned to my desk. After working for awhile we were informed that the power was going to be out for a few hours. Party time. We quickly went into survival mode and knew we needed to drink the beer before it became slightly less cold. Heidy taught us (Cale, Justin, Malia and Cash) how to play Tip Cup. My team lost and I'm pretty sure it was because of a flaw in the table. The power was still dead. Our instincts whispered to us, "go to the Ha' Penny." We listened. While enjoying our beverages (funded by Heidy) we proceeded to argue about the identity of a fellow patron. Heidy insisted it was Pat Benatar. Justin refused to believe it. Malia denied it. I rejected the notion entirely. Turns out, after much debate and free glass of PBR, Heidy confirmed her suspicion. It was Pat Benatar. Then I got a phone call from Paul. He needed my car. I said, "ok, bro... meet me at the Ha' Penny." He showed up shirtless and ready to party (after losing his keys while floating the Boise River, he needed a hero and showed up at the office... without a shirt and only a tiny shred of dignity)

"There is a shirtless man entering the bar," Malia exclaimed. Pat Benatar was indifferent. I gave Paul my keys, finished my beer and we made our way back to the office as a 3 on 3 basketball tournament was just getting underway.

Was it real? Was it a dream? Fucking weird.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Conbo-Calerized: The Desert

true that evil sand dunes can flip over the sky,
but can the northern bearded lizard-flowers fly?
will those bearded-bastard-children of satan die?
dead. those fucking-flower-faced fucks?

as the desert morning slips over the mounds so high,
the cactus-winged scorpion death fights are nigh.
the sun-burned tail of a warrior screams goodbye.
pierced. scorpions are the pussies of the dessert.

there is no doubt the winds of time never cry,
forcing their breath upon old river beds long dry.
raping the freshly-blinded earth in the socket of her eye.
fucked. i never liked coyotes anyway.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Don’t Read if You’re a Wimp

I must admit that I am sick and tired of a-holes who spit out big ol’ loogies right as I walk by. I mean, of all the bodily fluids that one could exude from their body, spitting a small bit of saliva seems like the wimpiest. I just can’t respect a man whose primary expression of intimidation is a small gumball of dribble spewed from a pair of persed lips. I’ll tell you what I can respect though. A real man. A man who decides to perform a proper act of intimidation. A man who is prepared to deliver the ultimate scare tactic by dropping a big stinking duke—a shit-line in the sand if you will—right in my path. A don’t-fuck-with-me announcement— “I am a man, and I offer this beastly crap to you as evidence of my manhood. Do you see? Do you see that which I have produced on the pavement like an official document of my power? Don’t fuck with me, my friend. I am a man.”

Now that I could respect.

Monday, January 4, 2010

I can't turn down a good deal

Have you ever heard the rain? Are you tired of your typical mundane existence as it butt friggs you each morning? Want to know a little more about how to sell products? Well, now it doesn't matter. Ding ding dong, clickity-clack, don't-smoke-crack—Bing! Boy, do I have an awesome product for you and your family of dumb-morons, my beloved readers. Buy it now. Seriously, buy it now! Before you even know what it is... 'cause hundreds of people will pass out from spontaneous mind drunkedness just by reading the super fresh product name of this super-sexed-up life product. It's so fucking cool that a lot of bloggers have it on their top ten lists of "Stuff I Want Harder Than An HJ" because, listen up, we are already on track to break the all-time sells record for anything ANYWHERE!

Thought pants were a pretty cool idea? Blow 'em!! Knives are pretty cool, right? Blow 'em!! What about rice? That seems like a good selling product? Blow them all!! What I have for you is selling better than mother fuckin' hot cakes... in fact, we are now required by law to replace the word "hotcakes" with this brand spankin' new product that will revolutionize our lives! And due to a small typo on our legal documents, all actual hotcakes too will be replaced by this even hotter and cake-ier product... FIRE!!! That's right, I said FIRE!!! Get yours NOW!!!

Fire, fire, fire! Fire-fire, fire, fire-fire-fire. FIRE!

It sounds great, but how much do I actually have to pay? Hey, keep your out-dated underwear from twisting your genitals, my friend... I will tell you. Hold on to your jimmy b-ball caps, 'cause if you order your fire within the next 15 minutes we will drop the first payment! And that's not all, we will also offer you free shipping and handling! And it doesn't end there, for every fire we sell we will ship an additional 258 fires at no cost to you!!! You only pay three easy payments! What are these payments you ask? Well, I will tell you... that is, if you remove those provocative air humps from the back of my metaphorical brain smuggler... locate your most current checking account activity statement. Divide the remaining balance by three, and there you have it! Assuming you have more than $3,500 in your account, you are pre-approved! Order yours now!!! Only 30 million units in stock!! Most major credit cards accepted! Don't let this opportunity slip through your fingers like a greased-up-hog-cock.

Fire, FIRE, F-I-R-E! fire-fire. Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrreee!